Friday, January 22, 2010

Artistic Skills of a 2 Year Old

Dear Landon,
We always knew you were talented and very artistic...maybe even the next Picasso or Michelangelo! Thank you so much for showing us your artistic skills on our dining room chair.

We will be sure to cherish it FOREVER!!!


Mommy and Daddy

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's The Little Things In Life...

Landon- A cute little ball of energy that never stops talking. That's the definition of my child. I'm sure you have heard people say "if my second kid was my first, he would have been my last", well I think God gave me my second kid first! This morning i had an epiphany...a huge, life changing, slap in the face, epiphany. I was getting ready for work and Landon was running around the house, pulling everything out of the cabinets, asking "what's that" to everything, begging for more choc choc milk, picking out his own clothes because he doesn't want to wear what i pick out, refusing to take his medicine, trying to wear my bra to daycare and proceeded to lay down in the floor and pitch a kicking, screaming fit because i told him bras are for girls...not boys and then it hit me, even though he was driving me crazy nuts, i realized...I'M GOING TO MISS THIS! I fast forwarded 15 years and thought about him being a normal secluded teenager, not wanting to hug me in public let alone be seen with me. That thought makes me sad...REALLY sad. When Landon was a baby, i remember thinking "I cant wait until he sleeps through the night, or I can't wait until he can feed himself, or I cant wait until he starts walking." Now, I miss hearing his little cry in the middle of the night and looking into his little blue eyes while i fed him a bottle. I think we all get caught up in life and forget to take time to enjoy the little things. So for now, i am going to embrace every moment i have with Landon, even on the days that i pray for bedtime to come early. I'm going to hold him when he says mommy i want to hold you instead of telling him that i have to do the dishes, im going to read him a book 5 times in a row if he asks, I'm going to answer him every time he asks "whats that" instead of saying i don't know, im going to cuddle with him every chance that i get, and im going to make sure he knows how much i love him because i know that i will miss this! This morning, after i realized all of this, i looked at my little baby and told him that i loved him...he put both hands on my face, gave me a kiss and said Mommy, I wuv you. I picked him up, put a bra on over his jacket and out the door we went....after all, it's the little things in life that matter the most!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas 2009 & Birthday 2010

I posted a few of my favorite pictures from Christmas and Landon's birthday. I took TONS of pictures, but it just takes entirely too long to download all of them. We had a great Christmas...i enjoyed my time off and santa was really good to Landon. His birthday party was a success, i think everyone had a great time, but we did miss Aunt Fissy and Unk Shawn. Overall it was another great year and i look forward to (hopefully) many more!!! Landon and Brooke riding his fourwheeler.... In the below picture he is saying "2", but i snapped it too early :( The kids had a great time in Landon's room...the aftermath was just a bit much though!Meme, Coden , and Landon...Landon's Barney themed birthday...The boys playing ball before everyone arrived...This is what Aunt Fissy and Unk Shawn got Landon...My beautiful sister and me :) Cousinly love...or according to Coden "brotherly" ;) I love this kid :)Momma's little cowboy!