Monday, October 12, 2009

My How Things Change

Sunday we took Landon to the pumpkin patch after church. We took him last year, but he was only 9 months old so this year i was really excited to take him! I thought i was going to get some really cute pictures and we would have the best time and laugh and giggle and play....Yeah I was wrong! A nearly 2 year old + no nap = please keep that in mind. First of all he screamed and cried every time i tried to take a picture and at one point he even slapped my camera so hard that it closed. Second of all (thanks to my Mom) he shot all the animals with his finger and said POW POW really loud! All of these little kids were saying "oh a horse", or "look at that chicken", or "goat", all my child was saying was POW POW as he proceeded to shoot them with his fake gun! Ahh, fun times!!! It is truly amazing how things change...Last year he couldnt even walk he just grinned with 3 little teeth and smiled every time i pulled the camera out. This year he runs, has a mouth full of teeth and snarls his nose when i pull out the camera. The truth is he acts just like me...he is a miniature me that looks just like his daddy! The good news is that we are going again with the church and this time we will have a nap before hand :)

When we first got there Landon decided to pick up a pumpkin that was too big....So Daddy was going to help....which clearly wasnt what he had in mind! So on to the next thing....the next picture was taken last year at the pumpkin patch, so my main goal was to get the exact same picture so we could see how much Landon has grown.
Last year....This year.....
Last year....
This year... (Below) I love this picture because it really captures his personality. He has been walking around with his hands in his pockets lately.
I asked him if i could take a picture and this is the face i got.... Pow Powing the poor chickens....Pow Powing the goats..... HEMAYBEILL ANDTHROWTANTRUMSBUTTHIS LITTLE BOY... YES, THIS LITTLE HIGH HEEL WEARING BOY...HOLDS THE KEY TO MY HEART!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Who's Your Best Friend?!

MAMA!!!!! This post is going to be really short because i am extremely busy, but i wanted to share this with you. I have started asking Landon who is best friend is and he says MAMA! I know i have mentioned it before, but i just love that kid. By the way, is it just me or is it winter outside? Im just saying! Happy Monday :)