Jason and Landon are big buddies and i am so glad that Landon looks up to his daddy! They love the same things (fourwheelers, boats, water, etc) and he always wants to do what Daddy is doing. He loves to wear Jason's boots and his hats and when he is in the bed with us he likes to sleep right on top of Daddy (he usually steals his pillow). Every night Jason and Landon take a bath together and when i get Landon out of the bath tub they say bye to each other until we get to Landon's room (where they cant hear each other any more), they do this every night. This weekend Landon started this game with Jason where he will say his name and Jason has to say Landon's name...it sounds like this "Shaysonnnnn" (aka Jason) and then Jason says "Landonnnn" and they repeat it over and over and over until Landon finds something better to do! It is funny to me how he calls him Jason instead of Daddy haha. They asked Landon this weekend what my name was and he looked up at me and said Mandy plain as day! It is truly amazing how smart he is. You can't say anything around him that you don't want repeated! He brings so much life and laughter into our home and we are truly blessed to have such a great son! He loves his Daddy, but he will always be a Momma's boy....shhhh we wont tell Daddy!
This is really funny, because you had a second cousin that called his mom & dad by their first names. I hope that he will start saying mama & daddy though all the time. When he gets older you will not like that. He is very smart though and he will know better then to do that. He will know that mama & daddy will get him alot more attention. Love, YaYa
I am a God loving, husband adoring, photograph taking, diaper changing in the process of potty training, blessed beyond measure, daughter, sister, friend, wife, and mommy! I love to shop and I tend to be a bit materialistic. I enjoy baking and trying new recipes. I am keeper of the cheerios to an absolutely adorable 2 year old. I have an awesome family and incredible friends.
My Sweet Husband
Jason is a hard working, fresh water fishing, four-wheeler riding, mexican food loving, oh so handsome, very charming daddy that loves to spend time with his little buddy. Jason also enjoys working out and he can pretty much fix anything that breaks!
Landon Reed
Landon is our 2 year old chocolate milk drinking, barney watching, "why" asking, junk food craving, book reading, song singing, church loving little buddy. He is extremely hard headed, but has the sweetest personality. He smiles all the time and is definately a people person. Landon has more energy than any child i have ever seen. He doesnt like to hurt peoples feelings and he hates for you to be mad at him. He brings joy into the lives of others and he has taught me so much. He is so smart and loves to learn. The outdoors is where he wants to spend all of his time. He is a Momma's boy, but loves to hang out with his Daddy :) He is our pride and joy and we are so grateful that God blessed us with this amazing little boy!
This is really funny, because you had a second cousin that called his mom & dad by their first names. I hope that he will start saying mama & daddy though all the time. When he gets older you will not like that. He is very smart though and he will know better then to do that. He will know that mama & daddy will get him alot more attention.