Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

So I am a little late....we have had lots going on. Most of you know that my Meme is really sick, so Jason and I have been making trips to Jackson, TN. I will blog about that in a little while (because she deserves a blog all to her self)!!!

This year was Jason's 2nd Father's Day and might I add that he is a really good Daddy! I came up with a special little game that involved clues in order for Jason to find his Father's Day gift. Landon gave Jason a little box with a piece of paper in it that read....Daddy, There are many reasons why i love you, I'm going to show you a few, to find your Father's day gift, you'll need to follow my clues!
Clue # 1: Daddy, I love you so very much, you really have no clue and i am very thankful you change my stinky poo! (changing table)
Clue # 2: Daddy, I love to make you laugh when i dance and sing, and i really love to snuggle with you in your favorite thing!! (recliner)

Clue #3: Daddy, I love the way you teach me things, sometimes you are a silly goose, and thank you so much for keeping me stocked up on apple juice! (fridge)

Clue #4: Daddy, One day I hope to be as big as you, but i will always be your little buddy, I really like to play in these even though sometimes they are muddy! (boots)
Clue #5: Daddy, my favorite thing in the world is hanging out with you, especially when we are outside riding the voom voom! (four wheeler)

Clue #6: I hope to one day, Daddy be as great as you, and i know if i ever need anything your who i will always lean too!! (the lean too behind the shed)

This was his face after he found it....I finally got him something that he didn't know anything about!!!!!!!!
I think he was in shock....

Happy Father's Day 2009!

Oh...this is what he got...a gas grill! He was a pretty good Daddy this year ;)This Father's Day was also a little sad for me. Since my Meme was admitted into the hospital this weekend, we didn't get to visit my dad on Father's Day. He completely understood and i sent him a gift through my sister, but this is the first Father's Day that i haven't seen him since i was born! It was also very sad to see my Meme in the condition she was in, but again that is a whole nother blog)!!!
Jason and I are both blessed with great dads! So Happy Father's Day to all of you! We love you and thank you for everything!

These are my favorite pictures of our Dad's, because they are holding the most precious gift of all!! Im so glad all of them were there to witness this miracle!

Thank you Jason for being such a great Daddy to Landon. He loves you and looks up to you! Here are some pictures from over the past 17 months....

1 comment:

  1. Mandy!!!!!
    You sure do know how to make someone cry. This is so wonderful what you did for Father's Day. I was trying to read all of it to Larry over the phone but I go so choked up I couldn't finish reading it to him. You have a very good heart and you are a very caring person. Stay the way you are. Thanks for sharing this with me.

    I Love you all!!!!
    Aunt Mary
