Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Welcome To Our Blog!

As many of you know, our family is spread out. Fortunately for us, most of our family is within an hour or 2 of us. I decided to start a blog because we don't get to see our family as much as we would like. I thought this would be a great way for our family and friends to stay in touch. I am going to try to blog everyday and post pictures of what is going on with our family! Since I have a one year old, the key word here is "try" to post everyday. I really enjoy reading blogs and I hope you all enjoy reading about the Life of the Hall's. We love you all!!!


  1. Krissie, Shawn, and CodenMay 5, 2009 at 12:02 PM

    Hello my sister. I got your email and decided to check out your blog but I noticed you forgot to mention your sweet, beautiful sister whom you love so much. Tought I'd leave you a lil comment so you can be reminded of me incase you ever want to do a write up on me or our loving sisterly bond. LOL Anyways, this has grabbed my attention and I will definitely stay posted.
    Love ya and can't wait to see you this weekend!

  2. LOL...you crazy thing....I am sure there will be many blogs to come about you and your sweetness....ok, maybe not your sweetness!

  3. Hey my friend. I love to read blogs too. I'm so excited you set one up. I miss my Landon. We have got to get together one weekend.

  4. Hey Mandy these pics are so cute. Glad you all got to take him. I know he enjoyed seeing the animals and playing in the fountain. Those 2 pics of Landon before/after is very special. One day he will cherish those pictures. I love you all very much. Thanks for sharing these with me. :)

    Aunt Mary
