Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Daycare Days

Landon has been in daycare since he was 5 months old. I had the luxury of staying with my baby for 5 whole months. I know it is hard for all Moms to put their babies in the hand of a stranger and by all means they never do anything just the way you would, but i took it pretty hard. When he was in the nursery they didn't change his diaper enough, they didn't feed him at the exact times that i fed him, they let him sleep too my mind they did everything wrong, but i accepted it and i knew he was being taken care of. I was one of those moms that would wake up an hour early so that i could feed Landon his cereal because i was afraid they wouldn't make it right...a bit much? maybe, but that was my precious little newborn child. When he first started daycare i cried everyday for the first week, i don't know if it was because someone else was taking care of him or if it was the fact that he smiled and practically waved goodbye to me, either way i was TOTALLY not ready for it. My boss actually told me not to bring pictures of him if i was going to cry all day, it was a joke we had between one another! He has recently moved up out of the nursery to the 1 & 2 year old room which i am really sad about. I ADORED his nursery teacher, her name is Mrs. Mary and Landon loves her. I ALWAYS take his little back pack with his name on it to daycare with some socks, a change of clothes, a snack (in case he doesn't like what they give him), some motrin, and a cup (because i am not fond of him drinking out of cups that other kids drink out of). Now i say always in all caps because i have done this everyday for the past 11 months. Well last week i was told by his new teacher that i didn't need to bring his cup any more because she doesn't do that in her do that she means she doesn't allow cups from home. So of course i said ok and went on about my business (after I ranted about it to Jason and every other family member i talk to on a daily basis). So this week I brought his cute little bag in and his new teacher asked me if i had a change of clothes in there, i said yes, and she said well you can just leave his change of clothes here, you don't have to bring his bag we don't do that in my classroom! So immediately I thought this woman is targeting me, she hates me, what did i do to her. After feeling sorry for myself and wondering what i did wrong for 3 minutes....I started getting mad, really mad and here i am 3 days later and i am still mad! I know that being mad doesn't solve anything, but they don't know i am mad, so what is it going to hurt? Not to mention Landon has recently (as of last week) started crying hysterically as soon as he walks in the door and realizes where he is. NEVER, has he cried since he has started daycare and now he grips my hips with his legs and buries his head in my chest and cries big crocodile tears. I guess you can imagine what this does to me. I know what you are thinking...this is just a phase, they all do it. If i had a dollar for every time i heard that! I think daycare really is a good thing for a child, they learn social skills, it helps build their immune system, but i don't agree with some of their ways. Everyone please say a prayer for us in the mornings, well on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday (on Mondays Jason takes him and he doesn't cry and on Thursday's Nana stays with him)! Babies grow up so fast, before long it will be his first day of kindergarten, then junior high, then a senior, then college....i need a tissue!

1 comment:

  1. I think Lanlan needs to have a diaper accident in the new teacher's lap. That was tacky for me to say, but she could be a little nicer. Of course YaYa would see it that way!

