Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Landon's First Trip To The Zoo

The weekend before last, Jason and I decided to take Landon to the zoo. We both took off work that Friday and headed out. I just knew Landon would love it because he is fascinated with animals. Anyways, we got there at about 12:30, which was later than we had anticipated, but it all worked out for the best. When we pulled into the parking lot, there were about 25 school buses. It was field trip day! Luckily for us most of the kids were leaving when we arrived.
He was waving at the giraffes in this picture. All the large animals were horses and the lions and tigers were kitty's. LOL
He really liked the elephants....he waved at them too!
We had to get our picture taken beside YaYa the panda bear, because that is what all the grandkids call my Mom.

The above picture is of me when i was 6 months pregnant with Landon at the zoo and the below picture is Landon and I. I thought this was neat. It is the same picture, only in one Landon was in my belly and the other he was here.....oh and I was white as a ghost in the top one.

He wanted to ride the panda....or step on it!

This was toward the end of the trip and it was soo hot, so i let Landon put his feet in the fountain. There were even kids in their bathing suits swimming in this fountain!

We didnt even get out of the parking lot and he was out. We had a great time and I cant wait to take him back. Im thinking this time we might go in the fall, when it is cooler and a little less children! :)


  1. Aww....he looks so sweet in all of them but especially in the last one where he's sleeping. And you know, in that pic of you where you're "ghostly" white, you look alot like me with that pale color...ALOT! It's crazy. I forgot how white you were while pregnant. Still, sweet pics that you posted.

  2. Yeah I do look alot like you in that pic...That last pic of Landon asleep, makes him look chubby and big...but he is so small. LOL Its like he is busting out of his car seat!

  3. Hahaha...I didn't even notice at first but you are so right...he does look chubby! That's funny and I forgot to mention it but I absolutely loved the pic with the ya-ya sign.

  4. This time my post better show up. I'm not a computer wiz for sure. I love this blog. It makes me feel like I'm with ya'll. My sweet little darling Landon, I can see so many things I miss. Your Mothers Day post, made me cry of course. I love you my sweet baby girl and Jason, and my sweet little LanLan.

  5. My favorite daughter-in-law MANDY
    I'm enjoying reading & seeing the pictures on your blogs. I look forward each day for them. I love & miss you MANDY,my precious son JASON and grandson LANDON.
    Mama C
