Friday, October 17, 2014

You're doing okay mom.

“I think this is a good time to tell you, you’re doing okay mom.”

“I can call you mom, right?”

“I know we haven’t known each other very long, but you seem like a real keeper.”

“You’re not perfect, but you’re trying.”

“Anyway, I want you to know how much I appreciate you. You know, right? How much I love you?”

“You’re doing okay mom.”

This is what your baby would say to you if he/she could talk according to the Johnson’s baby commercial.  Isn’t that a nice thought? Larson might add “It’s ok that you dropped the bottle on my face, Mom, I know you didn’t mean too.” And Landon might add “That time I fell off the porch and you tried to catch me, I forgive you, Mom.” These are things that I hold on too, the times that I feel like I have let my children down.  When I dropped the bottle on Larson’s face, it didn’t hurt her. It was empty, but It instantly made me think of the time my then 4 year old nephew was at my house. We were going out the back door to swim and I pulled the door shut without knowing his little hand was still holding onto the door. I will never forget him looking up at me with tears in his eyes saying “Aunt Roo Roo, my hand.”  As soon as that thought popped in my head I called my now 10 year old nephew crying, telling him how sorry I was for accidently slamming the door on his hand. My mom and sister shared some laughs at my expense, but later my mom told my sister the reason I got so upset is because I try so hard to keep my babies safe and I feel like I fail them when they get hurt.  She couldn’t have been more right. I know being a mother is THE hardest job in the world. Period. The days of worrying never cease. You have so many sleepless nights that you forget what real sleep feels like. When your babies hurt, you want to be able to take the pain away from them, no matter if it’s just a boo-boo or if it's something more painful such as a heart break.  I can’t speak for all moms, but I often wonder if I’m doing a good job. If I’m doing the best I can to raise my children to the best of my ability, to raise God loving, successful children.

  My husband isn’t the type of man to hand out compliments freely, but he makes a point to tell me often that I’m a good mom. Out of all the things in this world, that’s what I want to be the most, a good mom. I take pride in being a mother, I always have. It’s an important job. Now don’t get me wrong some days my kids drive me crazy, to the point I think “If I ran away, would they miss me?” They would. But I would miss them more. Speaking of, isn’t it funny how you look forward to getting away for a while, maybe going to dinner with your husband or out with your friends? You build up the excitement and think I finally get a break from the kids, but then you leave and you spend the entire time missing them. Wondering what they are doing. You call every hour to “make sure everything is alright”.  

It’s true, no mom is perfect. We all fall short. The beauty of it all is that you’re children adore you, even on your worst days.

So kudos to you, Mom’s,  you’re doing okay!

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