Sunday, October 26, 2014

Peanut butter cookie time

Guess what we decided to do last night?

That's right. Landon, Larson, and I decided to make peanut butter cookies. Technically I decided to bake some cookies and I MADE Landon help me. He had played on his ipad and watched tv for the majority of the day yesterday so i made him put away the electronics and get domesticated. As you can tell, he wasn't very happy. Larson, on the other hand,  was thrilled.

I gave Landon the responsibility of reading the instructions (he loves to read) and that seemed to lighten the mood.

 Larson had an important job as well. She had to sit there and be cute. She took it very seriously.

The further into the process we got, the more he was willing to help.

Before I knew it, he had practically made the cookies all by himself.
They were delicious and I think he may have even had a little fun.....
But we will never tell him that.  :-)

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