Against my better judgement we decided to take our almost 2 month old to the pumpkin patch. Our church goes every year and Landon loves to go. This year was no exception. Now keep in mind, Larson has only been out of the house a hand full of times, dr. appointments included.
Before leaving the house we did a little photoshoot.
Landon got a little silly.
Larson got a little silly.
Landon was loving on his little sister.
Daddy even decided to join in on the fun.
Naturally I couldn't help but think this was going to be a wonderful day. We arrive to the pumpkin patch and holy moses, It.Was.Packed. After taking out the stroller, hooking the carseat to it, feeding a baby, changing a diaper, packing up the diaper bag AFTER going through said diaper bag to make sure all items are accounted for, putting baby in stroller, covering with shade to avoid wind/ sun, we were ready. Whew, are you tired yet? Me too. As we chased Landon around to all the different activities such as the zip line....
the super slide,
the race carts,
and the ponies just to name a few,
Larson was pretty content hanging out in the stroller. (P.S. how cute is her candy corn outfit?)

But then, she decided she was DONE with the stroller. She wanted to see what was going on outside of her little carseat which is understandable. She's a baby and babies are curious. However, it was really windy and I didnt feel comfortable with her being out in the wind so I tried to prolong the carseat ride. She wasn't having it. This is where the crying began and the pictures ended. We loaded up on the trailer crammed with people sitting elbow to elbow pulled by a tractor (once again against my better judgement) and headed to the field to pick out our pumpkins. At this time Larson usually has already had around 3 naps, but on this day she had 0. Getting her to sleep was near impossible due to all the noise and activites going on around her. Im to the point of tears, threatening to take the long hike back through the fields by foot, Larson is crying, the wind is blowing, we are surrounded by people looking at us with that sympathetic look and germs, oh my gosh the germs.
We finally make it back to the truck and Jason realizes he has lost his phone. After searching for what feels like an eternity we find the phone. In the truck. Sitting right next to me.
Now, if you have never been to the pumpkin patch in Blue Mountain, MS, you truly are missing out. It's very family oriented and there are so many fun activities to enjoy. We are thankful for the church providing us with such precious memories. Although this trip wasn't the best, it's definitely the most memorable. We look forward to next year....when we have a toddler and a 7 year old :-)