This weekend we took a trip to Columbus, Mississippi to see our favorite little cousin graduate high school. We left out Friday night and stayed until Sunday afternoon. We had an awesome weekend full of fun, food, and laughter :-)

The 3 Amigos!Russell and his girlfriend, Kelsey!
The Ponder's
Aunt Mary, Russell, and Nana (with her eyes closed) oops!
Nana with her 2 boys :-)
Landon was more interested in the pool!
My love and me :-)
Kelsey and me (I love this girl, too)
Russell walking out...
New Hope Class of 2010 (195 students)
Landon was soooo good during graduation. He clapped, smiled, stuck his tongue out at me, and took a nap. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect little boy!
Russell lining up to receive his diploma.
The Graduate! :~)
Congratulations Russell! We are so very very proud of you, not only for graduating, but for being such a wonderful person. You and your family have truly been a blessing to us! Always make smart decisions and never underestimate yourself! We love you to the moon and back!
I just wanted to throw these in of my sweet little boo boo!
Also, check back for part II and III of our fun filled weekend!!
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