Christopher Coden Bass, my sweet little nephew, graduated Kindergarten yesterday! I am so proud of this little booger, you just cant even begin to know how proud of him i am.
You see my friends, Coden wasn't aware that his Aunt Roo Roo would be attending his graduation; what he also didn't know was that his Aunt Roo Roo wasn't going to miss it for the world! I was seated (ok i was standing while everyone else was sitting, so i could take a picture, i know you are probably thinking im crazy, but that's how i roll) with my family as the kindergartners proudly walked out to take the stage. Coden was making his way down the isle skimming through the audience for some familiar faces and the first face he recognized was his Aunt Roo Roo's. Let me just tell you, this kids face lit up like the fourth of July, he had a smile from ear to ear and he immediately starting waving at me. Of course this is when i sobbed and looked like a complete fool crying my eyes out, but I was steadily taking pictures dang it! He did, however, gain his composure (unfortunately it took Roo Roo a little longer) and went straight back to his serious march!
But that didn't keep him from glancing over at us every so often and flashing a smirky little grin!
Back to the serious face...I mean after all he has a reputation to maintain.
Kindergartners Class of 2010
The program was so darn cute, they sang songs, and danced, and some kids forgot when they were supposed to get up and do their part and it was so irresistibly sweet! Coden was a flag holder and i swear im not bias or anything, but he was the cutest little flag holder that i have ever layed my eyes on and he sang his little heart out which made it even cuter!

Then they sang this song and for the life of me i can't remember the words, but it involved alot of dancing :-)
Now let me just say this...I can not BELIEVE all the stuff that kindergartners learn these days. I don't really remember much from when i was in kindergarten except maybe nap time and the fact that i was in a split class of kindergartners and first graders and i was in class with my older about weird...but im pretty sure we weren't learning the things that these little youngsters are learning. They sang their abc' sign language...and made the sounds of each letter...all at the same time! HOLY COW, now that is freakin talent!

This picture totally cracks me up! :-)
Whoever thought it was a great idea to put a big bush/plant on the stage in front of KINDERGARTNERS aka short people was a complete moron. Just sayin!

We are so proud of you CoCo! God willing, i will be at your 6th grade, 12th grade, and college graduation and yes i will probably still be the crazy one standing while everyone is sitting. It seems like just yesterday i was barging through the hospital doors to meet you, and staying there every single night just so i could hold you! I love the little boy that you have become! I love you to pieces, kiddo ;-)
My sister called me last night and told me Coden said "I am just so glad my Aunt Roo Roo came to my graduation!" Oh my good grief, it made my ever loving day.
No seriously, It. Made. My. Day!!!
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