Thursday, April 8, 2010

We in the GIT TOE, Aunt Roo Roo?

Krissie and I took Coden and Landon to the zoo on Good Friday. It was the perfect day to go...not very crowded and the weather was awesome. The boys were sooo good! On the way home we got a little lost and ended up in the ghetto! Coden kept calling it the GIT TOE :) That kid makes me smile. All in all it was a great day and i look forward to taking them back!We had to get a picture of the boys with YAYA the panda bear ;) Coden and I on the Choo Choo Train!Krissie and Landon on the Choo Choo Train!This picture absolutely cracks me up...Coden, Landon and I went underground and popped up so Kris could take a picture of us. I told Coden to act like a prairie dog and this was the face he came up with! I laugh out loud every time i look at it :) Landon took over Aunt Fishy's ice cream...Our last stop was the water fountain. It was still a little cool so we didnt let the boys jump in, but believe me there were plenty of kids stripped down in their underware taking a swim! lol

1 comment:

  1. I love it! The prairie dog pic. is the funniest I have ever seen. We'll have to do that again someday.
