I posted a few of my favorite pictures from Christmas and Landon's birthday. I took TONS of pictures, but it just takes entirely too long to download all of them. We had a great Christmas...i enjoyed my time off and santa was really good to Landon. His birthday party was a success, i think everyone had a great time, but we did miss Aunt Fissy and Unk Shawn. Overall it was another great year and i look forward to (hopefully) many more!!! Landon and Brooke riding his fourwheeler....In the below picture he is saying "2", but i snapped it too early :( The kids had a great time in Landon's room...the aftermath was just a bit much though!Meme, Coden , and Landon...Landon's Barney themed birthday...The boys playing ball before everyone arrived...This is what Aunt Fissy and Unk Shawn got Landon...My beautiful sister and me :) Cousinly love...or according to Coden "brotherly" ;) I love this kid :)Momma's little cowboy!
Aww...he's just such a cutie! Wish we could have been at the par-tay too! I love the cowboy pick where it looks like the belt is pulling his lil pants down. TTYL Sis. Love ya!
I am a God loving, husband adoring, photograph taking, diaper changing in the process of potty training, blessed beyond measure, daughter, sister, friend, wife, and mommy! I love to shop and I tend to be a bit materialistic. I enjoy baking and trying new recipes. I am keeper of the cheerios to an absolutely adorable 2 year old. I have an awesome family and incredible friends.
My Sweet Husband
Jason is a hard working, fresh water fishing, four-wheeler riding, mexican food loving, oh so handsome, very charming daddy that loves to spend time with his little buddy. Jason also enjoys working out and he can pretty much fix anything that breaks!
Landon Reed
Landon is our 2 year old chocolate milk drinking, barney watching, "why" asking, junk food craving, book reading, song singing, church loving little buddy. He is extremely hard headed, but has the sweetest personality. He smiles all the time and is definately a people person. Landon has more energy than any child i have ever seen. He doesnt like to hurt peoples feelings and he hates for you to be mad at him. He brings joy into the lives of others and he has taught me so much. He is so smart and loves to learn. The outdoors is where he wants to spend all of his time. He is a Momma's boy, but loves to hang out with his Daddy :) He is our pride and joy and we are so grateful that God blessed us with this amazing little boy!
Aww...he's just such a cutie! Wish we could have been at the par-tay too! I love the cowboy pick where it looks like the belt is pulling his lil pants down. TTYL Sis. Love ya!