Thursday, August 6, 2009

Landon's Haircut!

I took Landon to get his haircut Friday afternoon. His hair was getting so long that people were mistaking him for a girl...I know he is beautiful, but he still looks like a little boy to me! He did really good, Katie even pulled out the buzzer to trim around his ears. That scared him a little bit, so she gave him a sucker and he was fine! Of course im sad because now he looks like a little boy...not a baby :( Anyways...I guess that is life, I cant keep him a baby forever...or can I?

Here are some pictures of my BIG BOY!!!!


  1. Mandy,
    How sweet he looks. I hate the curls are all about gone but he is so cute with his hair cut.

    I Love you All,
    Aunt Mary

  2. I have trouble thinking he looks like a little boy and not a baby, but he will always be my baby.
