Nothing too interesting has happened this week. I have been working over time to prepare for market so I am pretty tired. I also had some sort of cold Saturday, Sunday and Monday, but I think it is gone now. I didn't feel nearly as bad as I sounded, though. Landon has a girlfriend at daycare...her name is Angel. Every morning while I am getting him dressed to go to daycare he says "Anshel" I tell him to go get his shoes on so he can go see Angel and he runs as fast as his little legs will take him to get his shoes (which by the way he does put on by himself and they are always on the right feet...yes i know my kid is a genius, he gets it honest..hah just kidding...well not really) Anyways, so this new girlfriend thing really helps in the morning because he is so excited to see her that he honestly forgets that i am dropping him off at daycare. As soon as he goes inside her face lights up and she says "LANON" and pats the floor for him to sit by her. One morning she had a little girl sitting beside her and they were talking and playing and as soon as Landon and I walked through the door, she shoved the little girl over and said "LANON" and started patting the floor. She is older than him, but not much and her Mother and I work together, the ladies at daycare say they are thick as thieves and it is really obvious that they are best friends. Oh, and Landon has learned how to open the doors (is he not too young to be doing that?) At first it was hard for him to get his hands around the door knobs, but now he can open any door he wants too....I need some locks to put on the outside of the doors! Ok, so i am done rambling for today...I have posted a little questionnaire that i stole from someone else's blog..Enjoy!!
Three Names I go by:
1. Mama
2. Mandy
3. Roo; Rooster
Three Jobs I have had in my life:
1. Customer Service Rep
2. Inspector
3. Sales & Marketing Manager
Three Places I have lived:
1. Middleton, TN
2. Booneville, MS
3. New Albany, MS
TV/Radio Personalities who, for some reason, REALLY get on my nerves:
1. Howard Stern
2. Judge Judy
3. Jerry Springer
Three TV Personalities I like:
1. Kelly Ripa
2. Dr. Phil
3. Sharon Osbourne (America's Got Talent)
Favorite drinks:
1. Water (its the only thing that really quenches my thirst)
2. Coke
3. Koolaid
Three TV Shows that I watch:
1. America's Got Talent
2. Jon & Kate plus 8
3. Toddlers and Tiaras
Three Places I have been:
1. Florida
2. Gatlinburg
3. St. Louis
Three Places I’d like to go:
1. Hawaii
2. Mexico
3. Seaworld
Three of my Favorite Foods:
1. Crab legs
2. Grilled Foods
3. Dessert
Three Things I'm looking forward to:
1. Cooler weather
2. Landon's Second Birthday
3. Our 3 Year Anniversary
Three People who call me every day:
1. Jason
2. My Mom
3. Mrs. Janice (my boss)
Three People who e-mail me regularly:
1. Beth
2. Janice
3. Michelle
Three of my Favorite Books:
1. Forever and Always
2. Bible
3. Reality Books
Three Blogs I really enjoy:
1. One of Those Moms
2. Life on the Nature Isle
3. Crazy Life of a Drama Mama
Three things I know for sure:
1. I love my family with all of my heart.
2. God never closes one door without opening another one
3. Im hungry
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Miss Isabella (Landon's First Girlfriend)
Jason, Landon, and I went to Tennessee this past weekend and while we were there we went to visit with Evin, Allison, and Isabella. We all went to eat at Longhorn in Jackson and then we came back to their house and played with the babies. We had a great time and the food was awesome!
Allison is so beautiful!!!
Landon and Bella (as Landon calls her) were dancing!!

I love this picture! (below)

She doesnt really take a binky, she just plays with it!
They are in deep conversation......
And then BOOM he sneaks one in on her....
"I know he did not just kiss me" :)
Here are the kiddos at the restaurant..
Cuties :)
Isabella was hungry....
Isabella was a perfect angel in the restaurant...Landon on the other hand only had about 3 melt downs!
She was telling me how much she liked her new boyfriend ;)
I love these kids!!!
I think she wanted me to stop talking!!!

I love this face :) 

They are checking each other out...

She doesnt really take a binky, she just plays with it!

Landon's Haircut!
I took Landon to get his haircut Friday afternoon. His hair was getting so long that people were mistaking him for a girl...I know he is beautiful, but he still looks like a little boy to me! He did really good, Katie even pulled out the buzzer to trim around his ears. That scared him a little bit, so she gave him a sucker and he was fine! Of course im sad because now he looks like a little boy...not a baby :( Anyways...I guess that is life, I cant keep him a baby forever...or can I?
Here are some pictures of my BIG BOY!!!!

Here are some pictures of my BIG BOY!!!!

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