Wednesday, September 30, 2009

3 Years Ago Today......

3 years ago today i was nervous, excited, having panic attacks, scared to death, delighted, and in love. 3 years ago today was one of the best days of my life. 3 years ago today started a journey that is sometimes tough, but so rewarding. 3 years ago today our family and friends gathered to witness 2 people unite into 1. 3 years ago today i married my best friend!

I remember my Mom and I standing in the kitchen one day before i started college and she said "You will find the person you are going to marry in college". The first time I saw Jason, i thought he was so cute, but i could never see myself with him. He was good looking, muscular, drove a nice truck, and my friend thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread! He got my phone number and called me that same night. We hung out a few times, but i liked him as a friend and nothing more. One night he came to TN with me and met my parents. My Mom told me he was the one i was going to marry....I busted out laughing and said no Mom you are crazy! All i can say is that Mom's really do know everything!

We butt heads, we have our share of arguments, we say things we don't mean, we go to bed mad, we disagree on almost everything, but we love each other unconditionally. We laugh at each other, we talk about the craziest things, we still make pinky promises, we eat supper together, we make decisions together...all of these things are what make us work together! He is the peanut butter to my jelly and together we are perfect!

Ahhh....3 years ago today! I love you , Jason! Happy Anniversary :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Our weekend in a nutshell ;)

We had a great weekend..Jason and I enjoyed some quality time together doing things that we both like! My hubby turned 24 on Friday so we celebrated all weekend. YaYa kept Landon Friday night and Jason and I went to Mi Pueblo with Candice and Jeff which was a great time! Candice told a waiter that it was Jason's birthday so they brought a hat out and sang to him and then through a pie in his face! After supper we went back to Candice and Jeff's and hung out for a while. They are so much fun to be around so we are lucky to have friends like them! Saturday night Nana and Pappy kept Landon, so Jason, Candice, Jeff, and I went riding four-wheelers in Ripley with a ton of people. We had the best time, but it was a late night. We spent the night at Candice and Jeff''s and i think it was about 3 am before we got in the bed which meant Sunday was a lazy day...totally worth it though! Sunday Pop-Pop and Nana came to visit and bring Jason his birthday present. They also brought a ding dong cake....YUMMM! We had a very eventful weekend, but i was glad to have my baby back home. Speaking of smart is my child? Well i will tell you, he is VERY smart! We have been working on potty training and we have a long way to go, but he is doing so good! He knows every body part, he tries to count (so what if he says 1,2,2,2,5,2,2,1), he sings his abc's (well he sings a,b,c,d, and then it turns into jibberish), he sings the barney song, he has started telling me shhhhh while he proceeds to put his finger over his mouth, he tells you he is sorry when he knows he hurt your feelings or accidentally whops you upside the head or gets in trouble, he says please and thank you, after he pottys he says "wash hands" and runs to the kitchen sink, he puts his own shoes the right feet on and lately he has been trying to put his own clothes on, if you ask him how old he is going to be he says 2 and holds up 5 fingers, when he wants to watch barney he will go get the remote and bring it to you while he is saying "mote" "mote", and yesterday he asked Jason for some choc choc, so Jason fixed him a cup with water in it. Landon took one drink and said nasty and handed it back to Jason. Jason said it is water, buddy and Landon said nasty water! LOL I just love that kid :) There are days when he makes me want to pull my hair out of my head, and there are days when i lose my patience, but even on those days he brings so much joy into my life! It amazes me how i can love someone so much and it amazes me at how my love could grow more and more everyday. I am so blessed to have the family that i have...a wonderful husband, that i lose my patience with often, but whom i love with all my heart and an incredible child that knows just what to do to push my buttons, but has me wrapped around his tiny fingers! Jason and I have wonderful parents, grandparents, siblings, nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends! We are truly living the life :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mama, U Hot!!!!

So it has been a while since i have blogged and thanks to people hinting about my blog (Aunt Mary) I finally decided that it was time to update! I am going to try to get back into my routine of blogging, but no promises!

I realized the other day that my child is hilarious, I mean i have known that he is funny, but this kid is H to the I, HILARIOUS! I was in the kitchen the other night cooking supper and Landon was sitting in his high chair eating. Jason walked in the kitchen and said something about me being hot and then he walked out of the room. About 5 minutes later Landon looked at me and said Mama, U HOT!!!! He was so serious when he said it and of course i was so tickled i could barely breath, i realized in that instance that children really do pick up on everything. He now says please and thank you ALL the time, which i am really proud of, but now he thinks that if he says please he is supposed to get whatever he wants. He says "Mama, outside"....I tell him no and he says "pweasse" did i mention the puppy dog eyes that he gives when he says "pweasse"? Yeah well if those don't get me then nothing will. We were laying on the couch the other night and we were watching Barney for the millionth time, I told Landon that it was time to go night night so we were going to turn Barney off, but that we would watch him again tomorrow. So what does my kid do? He takes his little hands and puts them on my checks and says "Mommy wuv you" and gives me the biggest kiss. So what does Mommy do? Mommy turns Barney back on. I know what Landon was thinking at that exact moment....SUCKAAAAAAA! Did I mention he is really smart?

If you have been to my house within the last week then you have noticed a strong odor. The other day Jason was sitting on the loveseat and he kept smelling something....well after checking Landon and smelling things for 10 minutes, we came to the conclusion of what was stinking. Landon had left a sippy cup of milk down in the loveseat cushion for oh about 2 weeks and during these 2 weeks it had slowly leaked out into the loveseat. Needless to say our whole living room smells like vomit. I have scrubbed the loveseat and cushions, but no such luck...the smell is permanent. We have decided to get a new couch and loveseat, so we will need new curtains to match the new couch and loveseat and Jason insists that we get new blinds because you can see in our blinds at night. We have also decided that we need to paint the ceiling and the walls. We have been saying we were going to paint the living room for 3 years now, but we've never really had a reason too and to be honest i hate painting! So yeah, its amazing that a $2 sippy cup and a 20 month old baby could cost us so much, but the love that we have for that 20 month old baby is a shopping we must go!