This past weekend, my mom and I went to Nashville to Adam Warren's (my mom's bosses son)wedding. We had the best time and the wedding was beautiful. We talked all the way to Nashville and all the way home, so the ride didn't seem long at all. We stayed at the Embassy Suites and it was really nice. Saturday night we went to Adam and Theresa's wedding and Sunday we got up and went to the Country Music Hall of Fame which was really interesting. After leaving there we ate at the Hard Rock Cafe, and can you believe my mom had never been there? We had a great time and it was a much needed trip for the both of us! We made some great memories and of course we done some things that we can look back at and laugh about (such as a parking machine eating my mom's $5) LOL Thank you Dr. Warren and Mrs. Martha for inviting us! Also, thank you Nana and Pappy for taking care of my boys while i was gone ;)
This was our hotel room (the living room)....
and bedroom....
Mom and I after arriving at the hotel...
We were fixing to leave for the wedding right here...
Mr. Paul, Mrs. Jan, Me and Mom at the wedding reception...
Theresa and her daddy dancing (this was so sweet)...
The newly married and might i add BEAUTIFUL couple (Adam & Theresa)
The brides cake that was really good...
This was the grooms cake (he is blowing out candles because it was also his 25th birthday)

I dont remember whose car this was, but it was neat looking...all the handles were guns and the gear shift was a saddle!
This was the dress Carrie Underwood wore when she hosted the Country Music Awards....
Hank Williams and Hank Williams Jr.....
I took alot more pictures, but the website is acting up so this is all you get for now ;)